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Careers Overview

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Careers at the RBIDZ are diverse, exciting and rewarding.

Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone is one of the state owned entities whose mandate is to attract investors to locate in the country with the aim of facilitating economic growth, create employment and develop skills and transfer. It is therefore our key focus to implement socio- economic development projects that will develop and empower our people

RBIDZ helping you making informed career decisions

The company’s outlook for its success is linked to a healthy, skilled and safe society hence it is the pivotal intent to invest in opportunities that will strengthen the development of our people.

Skills development is a national priority in South Africa and a critical factor to the future success of the country. Meeting South Africa’s skills needs requires input from numerous public and government institutions, as well as private organisations. If we talk about skills development we talk about changing lives, empowering capabilities and enhancing the potential of employability and alignment of the skills to the economy.

South Africa is a diverse country and its economy is divided into various sectors that drive the workforce.

In view of this, RBIDZ has pledged to play a meaningful and pro-active role in assisting to bridge this gap, preparing our youth for the workplace through a variety of learning and skills development opportunities.

The organisation offers skills development programmes, namely:

  • Learnership Programme

  • Internship Programme for unemployed graduates;

  • Study Assistance Funding Programme for engineering and related qualifications.

  • Schools Interaction Programme and scarce skills focus

Learnership Programme

A Learnership is a structured learning programme that consists of a theoretical component and that leads to a qualification that is registered on a National Qualification Framework (NFQ). A Learnership provides a learner with an excellent opportunity to gain experience in the labour market while studying towards a qualification.

The RBIDZ in its nature and exposure to various international trades has introduced an opportunity for Learnership through skills transfer and development through the investors located in the RBIDZ Estate.

Internship Programme

The Internship programme runs for the duration of two (2) years and the application window opens when the already on-board interns complete the two (2) year programme.

RBIDZ Learnership and Internship Recruitment Process:

The Human Resource Department of the RBIDZ is responsible for this process and is best suited to map up the programme and identify vacancies for Learnership intakes. 

Notice for new recruits when available is advertised on local newspapers and RBIDZ website under Careers.

Study Assistance Programme:

RBIDZ is offering financial assistance to students who are residing within King Cetshwayo District and are interested in pursuing a tertiary qualification in a recognised South African University. Applicants will have to comply with the requirements as stipulated in the Advertisement and only financially deserving learners with excellent Matric results will be considered during the selection process.

RBIDZ is currently assisting qualifying and deserving candidates pursuing their careers within the scarce skills disciplines, amongst those being:

  • Engineering;

  • Science

  • Environmental Geometric Sciences;

  • Accounting

  • Regional and town Planning

  • Maritime.

Schools Interaction Programme and Scarce skills focus

In recognising the need to close the gaps earlier on in the lives of the learners the RBIDZ has a programme that exposes learners to the IDZ’s operations and strategies. In this programme, the RBIDZ interacts with learners and educators with the aim of assisting in the alignment of the IDZs topic in the Economics Curriculum.

Science, Engineering and technology skills are very scarce in the country. The efforts of the RBIDZ to focus in scarce skills and encourage learners to opt for maths and science are based on the gaps identified in the market and the demand that emanates from the fast-changing times in the space of technology.

The organisation recognises that thousands of graduates enter the job market annually, but many are unable to find employment. There clearly exists a gap between university and the workplace, a gap which must be bolted if career opportunities are to become a widespread reality.


The relationship between choosing maths and science and scarce skills

Many of the Learnership and study assistance funding take into consideration scarce skills within the engineering and technology sectors. The term scarce skills refer to a shortage of people with the required attributes to fill positions available in the labour market. The attributes that employers are seeking to fill positions in their organisations are specifically important and they open room for greater opportunities.

The importance of Pure Maths and Science
Did you know?

  • Maths literacy is not an alternative for pure maths. Pure Maths is a prerequisite for many fields of study such as engineering, natural science, information technology, medicine, accounting and many other fields.

  • Many of the fast growing occupations today are related to pure maths and science.

  • Pure Maths and Science will train you to think logically, critically and analytically.

  • A strong background of mathematics can assist you in entering your chosen course of study. 

“Getting Ahead through Learning ”

Choose wisely to secure a widespread of future opportunities.


Exist in a number of areas for qualified individuals when available. Please refer to our Positions Available.

We also offer an Internship Programme that is aimed at attracting students who have successfully completed their studies and those who require experiential training to complete their formal qualification. Even though the main purpose of the programme is to provide interns with on-the-job training, a competitive salary is paid.

Our Internship Programme provides interns with practical experience under the constant guidance of experts and mentors in the following fields:

  • Brand and Marketing

  • Communication

  • Safety, health, environment and quality

  • Customs Control and Safety

  • Supply chain management

  • Town planning and development

  • Civil engineering

  • Human resources

  • Accounting

When available, all positions are advertised in local newspapers and on our website. For more information contact:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Tel: 035 797 2600 or (Careers)



The RBIDZ is a company made up of real people, with a real dedication, and passion to effect real change in South Africa. This commitment and energy is apparent in all the company dealings with all its stakeholders.

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4 Harbour Arterial,
Richards Bay, 3900

Phone: +27 35 797 2600
