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The Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone Company (RBIDZ) is an organization made up of real people, with real dedication, and passion to effect real change in South Africa. This commitment and energy is apparent in all dealings with our stakeholders.

RBIDZ has therefore developed a Corporate Social Investment (CSI) strategy which is aligned to the company’s strategy and which contributes to the company’s overall mission and vision.

Corporate Profile Menu

RBIDZ’s Corporate Social Investment (CSI) Programme is a deliberate, focused, coherent and progressive programme that is:

  • well-co-ordinated
  • guided by a common policy framework
  • has clear focus areas
  • mutually beneficial
  • seen as a strategic business function
  • aligned to the core business

RBIDZ’s CSI Footprint

The Corporate Social Investments will be directed mainly to RBIDZ’s areas of operation, particularly focusing on the disadvantaged communities in the Greater King Cetshwayo District Municipality.

General Exclusions

RBIDZ will not offer financial support to:

  • Profit making organisations and companies
  • Religious organizations activities
  • Political activities
  • Labour union activities

CSI Focus Areas

The RBIDZ has its focus set on improving the social and economic environment in South Africa but more critically, in the areas where RBIDZ is located. It is RBIDZ’s ultimate goal to equip communities with sustainable projects and skills with the aim of laying the foundation for opportunities of empowerment and socio-economic development within the region.

In allocating resources to the focus areas, RBIDZ shall be guided by the need to contribute to:

  • Skills development programmes;
  • Integrated health and environmental programmes;
  • Community development programmes; and
  • Arts, culture and sports development programmes.

CSI Budget

The budget runs from the 1 April to the 31st of March, each financial year.

For more information contact:
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: 035 797 2600

CSI Policy Statement

The RBIDZ believes that being a responsible and contributing corporate citizen is a key component of the company’s business strategy.  Through its corporate social investment strategy, the company is committed to the empowerment, development and growth of disadvantaged communities.

The purpose of the CSI strategy is to:

  • Outline the company’s CSI policy and therefore its involvement in community development and upliftment.
  • Set out the processes and procedures by which the company will identify, manage, and support its corporate social investment activities.


The RBIDZ is a company made up of real people, with a real dedication, and passion to effect real change in South Africa. This commitment and energy is apparent in all the company dealings with all its stakeholders.

© 2024, RBIDZ. Powered By TTECH

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4 Harbour Arterial,
Richards Bay, 3900

Phone: +27 35 797 2600
